20 September 2007

The Perfect Day: UPDATE

My earlier post from Sept. 11, "The Terror At Beslan" referenced the takeover of the school in Beslan, Russia and what it could mean here. I had heard of it and was looking into the way the story connected with American schools when Glenn Beck aired a week long piece that covered it in great detail.

THIS SCENARIO IS REAL, PEOPLE! I believe the reason it has been flying under the radar is because of the fear and panic it would cause. I have trained for this scenario, as have countless other law enforcement agencies (Local, State and Federal) for quite a while now. The best advice I can give you is do the research yourself.

Glenn has exposed this on a national platform and I think the feds are ready to fess up and tell what they know (And have known). I will post here in the next few days a list of what to do if, God forbid, this does come to fruition. You can access the article here.

Access a video of the Beslan slaughter here.

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